Monday, November 29, 2010

Happy Birthday!!

Happy birthday to this guy:
These pictures never get old.
Ugh-he is 28 years old today-which is practically 30. Can you believe that I know a 28 year old? And what's worse, I'm married to one!?!? Love this kid. Or old man. I took a bazillion pictures today because I'm the best wife ever, but I didn't load them yet, so maybe I will sometime. I made him breakfast in bed (which was cereal that I carried upstairs on a cookie sheet.) And then for his presents he got our computer that we got a month ago. We aren't clever with our gifts lately. Anyway, he doesn't ever read my blog, but if he happens upon this...

Love you boo. boo be boo be boo boo boo.

He hates when I call him boo over 2 times in one sentence.

AND, happy 150th blog post to me!

Monday, November 15, 2010


So who has a genius baby? Oh, not you guys? Yeah, that's right-it's me. Sullivan rolled over today. I don't even care that he's 4 months old and it's totally normal. I was surprised. So was Tessa-she honestly thought it was a miracle. She's been taunting him with toys and food ever since to get him to do it again. And it's worked-3 whole times. Then he got mad and cried, so she got bored and started playing with her baby iPad again. I have genius children. Brag brag brag.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Tessa's Birthday

AH! I have a 4 year old. I know, I'm so grown up. I figured I'd wait to post about it until all of Tessa's birthday celebrations were done, so here we are. Trust me when I say, this girl parties like it's 1999-and she doesn't even know how it was in 1999, but that just shows what a genius 4 year old I have. Jealous, much? I know.

So here was the start of the b-day celebratory events. On Saturday, we went to Incredible Pizza. Does anyone know if they have frequent diner cards? Cuz the Osborne's need us some of thems. Tessa was fortunate to be born in the same month as pretty much all of Alex's friends and Alex. Or two of Alex's friends. Or lucky for them-I probably wouldn't plan their parties if I didn't have a kid born on the same day. (her and Andy have the same day of birth, Steve's is the next day.) So lucky for all them 30 year olds that I planned a party at Incredible Pizza. Tessa loved it. And I'm pretty sure the rest of them did too. You're welcome guys.
Here is most everyone at the table. I think Emmett had had enough eating, so the Strong's were getting their game on.
Wanna hear something adorable? The single boys bought Tessa this Barbie with a scooter. What's even more adorable is they made me look bad, because everytime we go to the store Tessa asks for it, and I say no. So they made her night. And she'll always remember that if Mommy says no, she can ask Steve or Mike or Adam or Andy.

The next day was her actual day of birth, but she had to go to church. They sang to her and gave her a pencil (we had to sharpen it ourselves). JK. It was cute and she was excited. Tessa enjoys being the center of attention. Just ask all the other kids we don't ever notice. So after church she got to open her presents.
She's been asking for an iPad ever since they came out. She even told my mom and sister that her daddy was getting her one for her birthday, which came as a surprise to Alex. So one day I had to tell her the we can't buy a 4 year old an iPad, and she seriously was depressed for like 2 hours. So I found this little thing that Fisher Price makes that is a touch screen thing with games and music and you can load photos onto it. SO we told Tessa it was a baby iPad. Best idea ever. She loved it. Suck it, Apple. So here she is opening her baby iPad, and loving it.
That night we went to my parents house to celebrate Tessa, my Dad, and Alex's birthday. My mom really wanted a family picture out in the leaves, so we attempted that. The kids were pretty distracted on account of there being leaves EVERYWHERE. So it was cute. And of course the camera battery died. But this is what we got.

The kids in the leaves. Cute.
Tessa having help from all 8 of the cousins opening her presents. Stone really wanted her to relax on her birthday, so he figured he could open her presents for her. He's a sweetheart. That's him in the Buzz Lightyear costume, just checking out what she should open next. You can't see Kenzie in the picture, and I think Dexter is right on the ground. Opening presents at the Madsen's is definitely like a mini riot.
THEN, Monday Alex's family came over for a little celebration. And she got more presents, which she loves. Unfortunately I thought it was a great idea to take both of the kids to the doctor that afternoon, and they both got shots, so they felt great. And they were pleasant. Mom of the year.Opening presents. She got more barbie stuff, a really comfy blanket, and some more clothes. AND, Lance bought her about 10 different notebooks, which if you know her, you know he won for best present ever.
This is her checking out the notebooks. She was speechless.

Then on Tuesday, she was the birthday leader at her school. So I stayed up making cupcakes and doing her poster, which turned out j'adorable. It was so adorable, it was french. That probably earned me some mom of the year points. I wouldn't let her help with the cupcakes or the poster. I'm the best. She still didn't feel very good, and even her teacher told Alex she could tell she didn't feel good, which was sad. And it also tells me she might be a little crazy at pre-school.Tessa looking sick. Sad.Tessa with her poster.
I think she had an awesome birthday, she still likes the presents she got, which is good-I just can't believe she's 4. It is crazy. Ugh. I love her.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Happy Birthday Tessa!

It's Tessa's birthday today! My lil gal is 4 years old...4 going on 40...I actually don't know what that term really means, but I'm pretty sure it means she acts old for her age? Yes? Well she does. And even though she's been exceptionally mean to me and Alex today, we LOVE her. There will be more blogs to come celebrating the day she was born, but we spanned it out in a 3-4 day period. So hopefully by Wednesday the celebratin' will be done and I'll show all the amazingness that was Tessa's birthday. See ya then.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I know-someone's behind!! But I've been out of town for most of October, so I am slowly but surely getting other important things done before blogging. Like catching up on Jersey Shore-what's the situation with Situation, right? Anyway, I know everyone is DYING to see pictures of my kiddos on Halloween, so wish granted...
Tessa getting her make up did. If you know her, you know she's a bit of a diva (I say 'bit' extremely loosely-and by diva I mean drama queen.) BUT, she can be having a tantrum of her life, and if I tell her she can put make up on, she calms down in about 2 seconds. And you know, it was Halloween. Final product. Sullivan was the Cheshire Cat, but he wouldn't keep his smile binky in, so it was hard to tell.Tessa as Alice in Wonderland. I've got about 30 pictures of different poses, but this is the best. She knows how to work it. I blame the media.Tessa and Sully with the grandparents. Me and the sisters with Dexter. He was a butcher. OMG I love him. You know how sometimes you are gone for a day and you miss your kids or your spouse or something sooooo much and you can't wait until you see them again? Well I do this with Dexter...seriously, sometimes I just randomly show up just to hold him and eat his cheeks. And you better believe that's a homemade jelly filled doughnut that Cessy's holding. Change my life, try.Tessa and her cousins-Stone and Sebby. Ugh-I love these boys too. I'm pretty sure Sebby hates me, but I'm gonna make him love me if it's the last thing I do. This was right after I forced him to hug me.
Family Picture-me and Alex dressed up too. I was Chelsea 6.0 and he was Alex circa 2009.
I don't have any pictures with my kids and the other cousins because we were gone for that family par-tay, but if you want to see some cute kids, go to Cessy's blog. Seriously, I know everyone thinks they have the cutest neices and nephews, but you are all liars. Except Cessy and Cailey and Ashlii...or any of my other siblings.