Thursday, February 19, 2009


In lieu (that's right, I go to college) of having anything to blog about, I pulled this little gem off of facebook-special thanks to Heather for tagging me. You know who you are.

Marriage Tag

1. When was your "engagement" anniversary: December 21st

2. When is your "marriage" anniversary: April 7th. Coming up on 4 years. That's like a college degree for some people.

3. How long have you known your spouse: 5 years or so...I don't remember.

4. How long did you date/court before you were engaged: 10 months. See my profile I believe I described them as blissful.


6. What is your spouse's full name: Alex Devon Osborne. But I call him Boo.

7. Do you have any children yet: Yes. We love babies.

8. How many: One. Alex doesnt' love babies so much.

9. Do you have any house pets: Gag me.

10. Do you own a house or rent: Own. It's a beautiful townhouse located in Midvale. Stop by, we'll get some Iceberg. Just kidding, don't. It's not cute.

11. Do you live in the country or town/city: City

12. What is one of your favorite activities together: He watched TV while I blog. Oh wait, the question said together. We talk about TV or blogs...together.

13. Do you have a favorite vacation spot: Not yet. We will though, I'm sure of it. I jest. We like St. George or Newport. We haven't really been to that many places. It'll probably change next month to Washington DC: not only our nation's capitol, but the AIDS Capital of the World (is AIDS funny yet?)

14. How many siblings (including in-laws): I have 2 bros, 2 sis. 3 SILs, 5 BILS. He has 2 bros, 1 sis, 4 SILS and 5 BILs.

15. What church do you attend: The one up the street.

16. Is this the church you were married in: nope.

17. What town is your current address: Like I'd tell people. Do you know how easy it would be to find us if I told you the town I lived in!! JK, I already said Midvale.

18. Do you work or stay at home: I work from home. So I'm sort of a Jack of All Trades.

19. Where did you honeymoon: Palm Springs/Laguna Beach. So good. I totally thought I saw Talon from Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County, so I made Alex go back into the surf shop and ask him what his name was. It wasn't Talon.

20: Leave a piece of marriage advice: No thanks. Not to marriage, to leaving advice. Everyone who reads this blog is already married, so you guys don't need advice. If you want some, just text me.
I also thought I'd leave you with this little number....Enyoy.
Are you laughing? If you aren't, you probably aren't looking at the picture right. It's funny, trust me. Feel free to use it as your desktop. I also have one in black and white if the colored one doesn't fit your motif. Just let me know.


Linds Forrest said...

You are one of the funniest people I know, I miss you. Will you stick me in your pocket and just carry me around so I can laugh at you all day?!!

Zach and Cecily said...

Since when do you live in Midvale? Did you move?

Whitney said...

That was funny, and th epic of alex was the icing on the cake.... im totally gonna use that pic as my background...