Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Tessa got bangs. I cut them myself and they're adorable. Not to brag or anything.


Ashlii Brooke said...

Oh my!! She is so flippin cute!!!

Melissa Bryner said...

Sara says she loves Tessa's bangs and that she wants to come see her right now!

Linds Forrest said...

I think you did a fabulous job! Now when do you want to go to lunch? Holla back girl!

The Lund's said...

At least she didn't get bangs by default like my nieces who get a hold of the scissors when their mom isn't looking. They always have super short bangs that stick straight out! Tessa looks cute and like a big girl with her bangs. :)

badonkatonks said...

Omg her hair is so now. Ahh I realize I'm leaving a comment way after the fact but I'm trying to entertain myself at work. And I totally wanted to use that quote from my 7th favorite movie, Legally Blonde.