Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I No Longer Believe in Dino's....but I DO Believe in Lost.

Hey all. First things first, we went to Walking with Dinosaurs on Saturday and it was pretty informative. But, I no longer believe that dinosaurs existed. I just don't believe it. For those of you who don't know, I have this thing about dinosaurs. When I picture them, I always picture them as these enormous creatures. Like how enormous, you ask? Well, I picture them stepping over small mountains. That seems scarier/amazing-ier. So, we went to Walking with Dinosaurs, and I was super excited because, as I told Alex, "I'll finally get to see how big they really are." And guess what...those dinosaurs were tiny. So I don't believe they exist anymore. At least not the ones that I imagine. It's cool though, it was a good show. Here are some pictures below. No, we didn't take Tessa. We thought it would be more of an adult dino show-like some nudity and swearing. I jest, I jest.
Cessy likes to sneak on in at any moment.
Yeah-those are to scale. Small, right?
Then that night, we went with my Dad to see My Bloody Valentine:3D. I was also excited for this because, as I told Alex, "Haven't you ever wondered what it would be like if an axe was thrown at your head? Now we'll know!!" It was awesome. And if you want awkward, go see that movie with your dad. Or Alex.
THEN. This is just a cute picture of Stone and Tessa at Noodles. It helps if you sing the theme song of Rob and Big while looking at this picture. It makes it better. (People let me tell you 'bout my best friend...)
Last. Lost. One of my co-workers/professors/besties had a kick A party for the season premiere of Lost. It was a dress up party, and there was food there such as "Jack" and Cheese, or Chicken Skewers with "Sawyer" Sauce. Or CupKates... If you haven't seen Lost, you won't get this at all. But if you have, clever, right? Anywho, it was also a dress up party. And who do you think won the costume contest?
That's right, this girl!
I went as Walt/Michael/Rose/Sayid. Anyone of an ethnic background (please don't be offended.) And I was a hit. This doesn't even do me justice-you can't even see my detailed freckles. Tessa wouldn't even hug me, she thought I was someone else! That's how awesome I really looked. I totally won a calendar. FYI, Cessy was Kate and Alex was Sawyer. These are the only pictures I got, because it was too intense. That's all for now!


Bullards said...

Oh my gosh I love LOST so much!!! Really. Like when i watch it so much, sometimes I feel like I'm one of them. I think if i went to the island i would know my way around. I love the costume!!! :)

Heather Strong said...

I haven't seen LOST but you look awesome!

Heather Strong said...

You're so evil! We used to be that way - like if we looked outside and it was cloudy on Sunday morning - welp! Looks like it might be a tornado and we can't go to church! Now we teach Primary so we have to go... Which really us fun but Emmett is not having it and it's only about half as fun as I'm making it sound. I'm just trying to be positive. =)

JMduff said...

YES we have a blog - now you can stalk us. and now I can stalk you. I love Lost........I would have totally tried to do the Polar Bear. Coby thinks the show is dumb well he doesnt like the hills or the city either so what can I say.