Thursday, January 7, 2010

It's the Word.

So last night, the fam (me and Alex and child) watched VH1's Movies that Rock. And the movie, you ask? My apologies to Cessy, but it was Grease. And yes, we watched the whole thing. But it was like we have turned Tessa onto a whole new world...this was how she looked the entire time.

She sat straight up and stared at the screen. Notice this is the end of the movie, so the whole time she was staring at the television. It was great.


Zach and Cecily said...

Holy crap I miss that little lesbian.

I miss you and tessa too.

Kelly said...

Way to go introducing Tessa to old movies, now you'll get questions like, "why are they smoking?" or "what's sex?". It's awesome! :-)