So instead of Girls Night Out, Tessa and I have had Girls Week In all week long. Why, you ask? Because my boo has been out of town since Sunday. Lamesville. We finished Ugly Betty Season 2, watched Enchanted, finished Desperate Housewives Season 2, watched more Enchanted, and then switched to Shrek for 15 minutes until Tessa wanted to watch Enchanted again. Tonight we went to dinner for Cailey and Ashlii's birthdays. Hoot hoot, Caiz is 21 and Ashlii is 26 in case you were wondering. So naturally, after staying in our pajamas all week, I figured we'd dress cute. So I got Tessa all gussied up (is that right?) and round brushed her hair. I thought it'd be a good idea to put root booster in her hair-it's supposed to volumize it-because then I could receive the little oomph I wanted. Well it did the trick. She seriously had the biggest hair tonight. And that was after I tried to comb it down for half an hour. But when we got home, I was changing back into my pajamas, and she was sitting in my room in front of the mirror just staring at herself. As I was watching her, she slowly took out her binkie (yes, she still has one) and just sat there and smiled at herself, and ran her fingers through her hair. It was like she'd never seen anything so amazing. So I said, "What are you looking at?" and she said, "It's Tessa. I'm so pretty." So there you have it. I'm the proud owner of a conceited child. And I'm cool with that. If you don't like that little tidbit, here's something else for you: she asked me if we could "go take a picture of me-I'm cute." -direct quote. So I did, because I totally agree with her. Yes, that is a poncho.
A lot of people have asked me about her on account of her eye growths and what not, so here's the 411: I took her to the doctor on Tuesday, and he informed me that her sty had actually popped, so a lot of it had drained out. He said that it looked like it could actually decompress even more, so we just need to keep doing what we're doing (ie: using steroid cream on it, keeping a hot compress on it, not letting her get anymore stys). So hopefully it'll go away really soon. AND I also asked about her other eye, you may remember that it too had a gigantic sty a while back. He said that there wasn't anything left in it, so there was nothing to remove. The reason that it is staying red is because the sty left dead skin, which we just need to try to scrub away. It's sort of like a scab. So if we can scrub it so it flakes off, new skin will grow in it's place and we'll be able to remember what she looked like without that thing on her face. But I've grown accustomed to it honestly. I might miss it. Probably not for long though since she loves getting stys almost as much as I love looking at them! Here is a pic so everyone can see her improvement. It's still a bit puffy, but not bad at all. The picture actually doesn't do it justice.
What a fabulous week, I have to admit I was totally jealous! Especially of the root pumper in the hair. Your little girl is so cute, I love it!! Merry Christmas Chels, I hope you guys have a good one!
Ah poor girl...she does still look beautiful though! Such cute pictures ;)
I just laughed out loud - and there is no one here today so that was all kinds of uncomfortable. She looked fantastic last night and I look awesome in my shirt today. Thanks Chelsh
oh man! so much better! hahaha! SOOOO excited to see you guys in a couple days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chelsea she is a beautiful little girl... sty or no sty (poor baby).
Merry Christmas to you and your family.
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